About Us

From a one-man operation to the world market leader. From wood to steel. From product manufacturer to consulting and service-oriented solution provider. The common thread: precision.

In the course of the industrial revolution at the beginning of the 19th century, the CORTS company was formed out of the the craft business.

The industrial revolution was in full swing. CORTS laid the foundation for a steam engine, industrial production and thus justified the rise to world market leader.

A logical step based on decades of experience in increasing the efficiency of rolling mills: the founding of CORTS Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, which, as a partner for engineering services, develops pragmatic solutions from spare parts to turnkey solutions.

Aufgrund jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung bei der Effizienzsteigerung von Walzanlagen ein logischer Schritt: Die Gründung der CORTS Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, die als Partner für Ingenieurleistungen pragmatische Lösungen vom Ersatzteil hin zur schlüsselfertigen Gesamlösung entwickelt.

From theory to practice - the goal of CORTS Engineering is to analyze and optimize the operating conditions for CORTS products. In the meantime, CORTS has overhauled a large number of roll housings and the associated back-up and work roll chocks on a turnkey basis. This is how we create the basis for efficient rolling operations, high rolling quality and minimized lifetime costs (TCO)

Today, as a leading international specialist in plant efficiency, we offer precision wear parts and guide elements as well as solution-oriented engineering services for all aspects of stabilizing and optimizing the rolling process. From our Remscheid location, we serve customers all over the world – primarily from the steel, aluminum and non-ferrous metal industries; with a very special focus on the optimization of rolling processes and production.